The Day Before

The day before you begin

Take measurements and weigh yourself
Inches lost and how your clothes are fitting are a much better indicator of your progress than weight on a scale. As you gain muscle and lose fat, you may not see the big weight loss numbers you expect but percentage of body fat is really the true indicator. Measure everywhere!

Take a before picture
Wear something slim fitting that shows what you currently look like and take a front and side shot! A picture is really worth a 1,000 words and is something you will share with people over and over again! Changes in appearance will again at times bemore drastic than the pounds on the scale. You have to remember muscle weighs more than fat and the pounds you lose during the GAME ON FAT BURNING SYSTEM program are unlike the pounds you have lost on any other program.

Have fun going shopping – for food!
Make sure you have plenty of your favorite lean protein sources from the provided list on hand for protein grabs and meals. For example, deli meats, turkey, chicken, fish/seafood, tuna fish, lean red meat, beef/turkey jerky, Carb Master Yogurt, are great things to have on hand. A good rule of thumb is to consume half of your body weight in ounces of protein per day while on the GAME ON FAT BURNING SYSTEM.
Example: 120 lbs : 60 gms protein per day. Dividing that number between the daily layout of eating is easy!

Water, water water! Drinking ½ your body wt. in ounces of water daily is crucial to flush out toxins your body is releasing as you release fat into your system. Water plays a critical role in the body burning fat, so make sure you are drinking your recommended water intake daily! Make it iced – your body will burn more calories trying to heat it up!

Key Introduction Notes: Simply put, we ARE what we eat!
Foods high in sugar and fat cause our bodies to store a disproportionate amount of fat in our midsection.The first two days of this program are critical in changing our body’s response to food by controlling our body’s release of insulin. Therefore, the initial fat loss you will experience will come from your midsection. Most people have a sluggish metabolism.

Our bodies have forgotten how to burn fat as a fuel source and the only calories our bodies burn are the calories we eat. On days 1 and 2, we are forcing your body into a fat-burning mode by not eating any carbohydrates and depleting all of the sugars stored in the blood and muscles. At first your body may not be very efficient at doing this and you might feel a little fatigued or light-headed because your body is not doing a great job of using fat as a fuel source. When your body kicks into fat-burning mode and starts burning fat the way it is supposed to, you will feel great!

You will notice that you will have fewer ups and downs in your energy levels! When our bodies are functioning the way they should be, our body’s best source of energy is fat. The best part of THE GAME ON FAT BURNING SYSTEM is that by losing 5 or 10 pounds on this system, it will seem like 20 pounds because of the inches you lose from the stored fat around your midsection!

It is unlike any program you have experienced in your life! Most people see hunger as a negative thing. When you decrease the calories you eat it is likely that you will feel hungrier than normal. Hunger is by far the most positive thing you can feel because when you are hungry it means you are dipping into the stores of fat on your body. At first, your body will be inefficient and the hunger you will feel will be a little uncomfortable.

Consider this: If your goal was to run a marathon and you had never run before you would experience some discomfort when you first started. You would probably have to start running only a mile and even that would be challenging. When you first start forcing your body to burn stored body fat instead of the calories you are bringing in, it may be a little uncomfortable. The good news is that you are on your way to controlling your hunger instead of letting your hunger control you! If you keep doing the same thing you have been doing, not only will you NOT lose weight, but you will most likely gain more.

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